Aerial Surveys has been capturing LiDAR since 2007. Whilst much of the LiDAR we capture is available on LINZ Data Service we do have coverage that is unique to Aerial Surveys. Furthermore Aerial Surveys can provide services to reclassify and analyse these point clouds to meet customer requirements. Historic LiDAR data sets can be invaluable when assessing land movement and changes to landscapes from natural disasters.
Those looking for LiDAR from the past can now search our LiDAR Library online via our website.

Digital LibraryÂ
 For those looking to search our historic LiDAR we have built an interactive map showing the coverage extent, accuracy and point density for most surveys. Users can now move around New Zealand and scroll through the years to see what coverage is available. The imagery on the map is a satellite base map to ensure speed of loading and navigation.Â
LiDAR ServicesÂ
LiDAR has a wealth of use cases. How LiDAR is captured (Pulse density, accuracy) processed and classified will determine what it can be used for. Fortunately Aerial Surveys can help you get the most out of LiDAR by providing the following Services include:Â
High accuracy digital elevation models and digital surface modelsÂ
Advanced data classification and feature extraction such as building outlines from classified point cloud dataÂ
Contour generation in various formats from engineering to cartographic stylesÂ
Intensity imagery and simultaneous RGB imagery captureÂ
Colourised 3D point cloud data for 3D modellingÂ
Change detection mappingÂ
Volume calculations for mineral extractionsÂ
Coastline and river assessments, monitoring change detectionÂ
Flood modelling and identifying flood hazardsÂ
Corridor mapping to assist with planning and designÂ
Disaster managementÂ
Determining terrain and vegetation hazardsÂ
Accurate mapping of transmission, power lines and pipeline corridorsÂ
For forestry tree counting and volume calculationsÂ